Indexing and Retrieving Photographic Images Using a Combination of Geo-Location and Content-Based Features
keywords: Photo retrieval, image search, geo-coded information, image indexing, spatial and temporal indexing
This paper presents a novel method that automatically indexes searches for relevant images using a combination of geo-coded information and content-based visual features. Photographic images are labeled with their corresponding GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates and UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time) information at the moment of capture, which are then utilized to create spatial and temporal indexes for photograph retrieval. Assessing the performance in terms of average precision and F-score with real-world image collections revealed that the proposed approach significantly improved and enhanced the retrieval process compared to searches based on visual content alone. Combining content and context information thus offers a useful and meaningful new approach to searching and managing large image collections.
mathematics subject classification 2000: 68P20, 62H35, 68U10
reference: Vol. 30, 2011, No. 6, pp. 1115–1129