Secure and Efficient Blockchain Scheme for Resource Optimization in Internet of Things (IoT) Systems

keywords: Resource optimization, Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, clustering, blockchain, security
The thriving Internet of Things, a paradigm shift from the traditional Internet has brought about great societal improvements such as smart homes, smart cities, smart health, intelligent systems and many more. With these diverse societal improvements come increasing complexities in the areas of system efficiency, privacy, and security. In recent years ample academic and industrial research have delved into resource optimization to the detriment of security, as security features are left to be bolted on at the end of design and developmental processes. This approach leaves the system susceptible to threats and attacks. Consequently, this paper seeks to incorporate security features from the onset, weaving the security feature into the system's design and developmental phase. The proposed model structured in a three-tiered design comprises of concepts of Blockchain, edge computing, clustering techniques and a hybrid algorithm consisting of the static round-robin and the dynamic resource-based algorithms. The composition of the structural layout which considers aspects of the blockchain as a security tight measure for resource optimization in Internet of Things' environment, also incorporates features of edge computing, clustering techniques and the hybrid algorithm as components for resource optimization of the Internet of Things. In addition to the prospective security feature provided by the Hyperledger fabric BC in the proposed model, simulation results illustrate the Hyperledger fabric BC's dexterity in making IoT systems even more efficient, further showing its efficacy over the PSOR2B and the BC-EDSSP.
mathematics subject classification 2000: 68Wxx
reference: Vol. 43, 2024, No. 5, pp. 1084–1110