Form of manuscripts

Layout of the paper

Each paper must have a heading, full name and address of the author(s), abstract of about 100 words, keywords, Mathematics Subject Classification 2010, the body of the paper, references, and short CVs (about 100 words) and photos of all authors. The number of page should be within 15–30. All pages must be numbered. Indicate your e-mail address and the preferred address for correspondence. Always keep the Editorial Office informed about address changes.

Please use the cai style.


Immediately following the abstract, give five to ten keywords (key phrases).

Mathematics Subject Classification 2010

Please, indicate several MSC 2010 symbols, to be found at

Abbreviated title

An abbreviated title of not more than 50 characters to be used as the running head should be given with each manuscript.


Electronic version in EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) or PDF is preferred. The illustrations should be sharp, noise free and of good contrast. Graphs and schemes should be in vector format.


References should appear as a separate bibliography at the end of the paper. References should be complete, in the style given within the LaTeX style file.

References to papers published in languages other than English should be translated into English with the original language given in brackets after the heading, e.g. (in German).